Academic Boosters

Academic Boosters

This organization of parents, faculty, and community members work to promote and encourage academic achievement among all students in Reese High School.


  • Name

    The name of the organization shall be Reese Academic Boosters.

  • Purpose

    To promote and recognize academic achievement among all students of Reese High School.

    To promote and sponsor fundraising activities to financially support the recognition of academic excellence. (No student selling)

    To fund scholarships for graduating seniors.

    To promote communication and cooperation among parents, students, school and community.

  • Membership

    All families living within the Reese School District, those with children attending Reese from surrounding areas, and faculty working at the Reese High School shall be considered eligible members of this organization.

  • Officers

    PRESIDENT: Shall preside over all meetings of the organization and coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the purposes of the organization may be promoted.

    VICE PRESIDENT: Shall act as an aide to the president, perform the duties of the president in his/her absence, and assumes the role of the president the following year.

    TREASURER: Shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and presents a financial report at every meeting of the organization. All moneys will be recorded in the school’s activities account under the name, “Reese Academic Boosters”.

    SECRETARY: The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings, including attendance records at all meetings. The secretary shall handle all correspondence, including notices of all meetings.

    FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE: Shall be a non-elected member acting as liaison between the organization and the Reese High School faculty and be an adviser concerning educational matters.

  • Election of Officers

    Officers will be elected annually at the March meeting, and assume responsibilities the following


    Terms of office are for one year.

    Any vacant office shall be filled by appointment made by majority vote of the remaining officers and held until the term expires.

  • Meetings

    Regular meetings shall be held during the months of September, November, January, and March at 7:00 PM. Dates shall be scheduled and posted in school publications.

  • Financials

    All expenditures for the operation of the organization to aid the Reese High School academic programs must be approved by two officers.

    All expenditures shall be by check and two officers, the president and treasures, may make requisitions for checks.

    The fiscal year of the organization shall be from the first day of July until June 30 th of the following year.

  • Liability of Members and Officers

    Neither any member or officer shall be personally liable for any debt or obligation of the organization.

  • Fundraising Projects

    All fundraising activities and projects are to be coordinated with all three buildings so as not to interfere with each other’s projects. All fundraising activities and projects must be approved by the president, other officers, and the general membership. Fund raising activities and projects will follow all administrative guidelines of the school district.

    Academic Boosters coordinates the annual Powderpuff football game, Rocket Rowdies t-shirt sales, concessions, Chicken dinner, and other projects as approved by the president and other officers.

  • Amendments

    These guidelines may be amended by a reading of the amendment at any regular meeting; then, the proposed change shall be voted on by the general membership, at the first meeting following it’s reading by a two-thirds simple vote of the members present and voting.

  • Interpretation

    Any questions as to the meaning of proper interpretation of any of these guidelines shall be determined by the current officers.

  • Disbandment

    Upon disbandment, after all bills have been paid, the funds and properties of this organization shall be turned over to Reese High School Athletic.

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